Ultimate Couple Communication Guide

Ultimate Couple Communication Guide
The goal of nonviolent communication is to:
• be able to express yourself in an authentic and honest way,
• get your message across without forcing the other person to immediately defend themselves and therefore the conversation resulting in (another) conflict.
By using this guide you will:
Practicing nonviolent communication is a simple yet powerful approach to getting your needs met.
Compassionate communication, rather than the “blame game” we tend to default to.
Make communication more effective because we get to talk about the root of the problem instead of getting stuck in blame and then fighting about something else.
Being able to communicate effectively is vital for any relationship and especially in our romantic relationships, I believe.
Design: Simple and minimal, easy to follow steps and identify benefits.
Start: At any point, any day.
Duration: Each guide could be reusable, a great gift.
NOTE:*This link expires 24 hours after it’s first clicked. Every download link is unique to the purchase and expires 24hours.
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It focuses on self-responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, needs and actions.
When we focus on nonviolent communication, we create a reciprocal flow of communication in which compassion between people can evolve in a natural way.
We can talk about our emotions and needs in such a way that makes it easier for others to show empathy.
It also makes our communication more effective because we get to talk about the root of the problem instead of getting stuck in blame and then fighting about something else.
Being able to communicate effectively is vital for any relationship and especially in our romantic relationships.