How to Hold Yourself Accountable? /free check-list guide included/

We all in it togeather.   Let’s talk it throught, копия.png
  • What is accountability?.

  • What are the benefits of accountability?

  • How do we obtain these benefits and can we do then on our own.

  • Why accountability partner is helpful?

“At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves - our success is a result of what we do.” CATHERINE PULSIFER

Why when it comes to personal or professional success we give all credits and handing our hopes to external factors, while doing all work by searching for purpose and learning ropes, improving skills, creating goals?

As we learned at a young age, for us when things were restricted or prohibited we had choices to make to act or not, knowing that we will be accountable for what we did or didn’t was our decision. That’s leading to the definition of Accountability.


is the condition of having to answer, explain, or justify one’s actions or beliefs.

In other words, accountability is to accepting responsibility for our actions, words, and thoughts.

From the pieces of evidence, we observe that people feel responsible for their behavior and that people often feel and act as if they would be held accountable for the things that they do. We activate our internal capabilities, qualities, skills, strengths.

We always want to have choices before we choose to act, and our choices directly connected to how we feel about the choice we made it called emotional accountability. By accepting how we feel and what emotions we experience, we take responsibility for them. It is easier to blame others and made partners, employers, political situations, neighbors, or a cat feel responsible for the circumstances or the way we feel by attribute our chances to succeed, to trust, to accomplish things in life. Not taking accountability creates less effort for us to be involved in recognizing our active contribution to a bad situation, accepting fault, so we don't have to do it again.

Focus on accountability allows us to acknowledge and accept the choices we have made, our actions, and how other actions are affecting our ability to live peacefully. /emotional accountability 101/

What are the benefits of accountability:

  • Improve decision-making strategies.

  • Making own judgments and process thoughts more deliberatively increases self-confidence.

  • Build trust in own skills and strengths.

  • Increase the level of motivation and empowerment for taking responsibility for the decision and own a successful result.

  • Detect own purpose and setting a clear plan to achieve goals.

  • Discover solutions to get this done.

So how do we obtain these benefits and can we do then on our own?

Set goals for ourselves and focus on action steps crates internal accountability. But assistance with feedback, evaluation, and observation of our results could be reached by collaborating with an accountability partner that speeds up by forming new habits.

Naturally, human beings need to be pushed to make concerted efforts along the line of their goal. And this has to do with habit formation which has a timeline and process which could be effectively obtained with the help of a friend or professional coach.

Why accountability partner is helpful?

Based on the title we see the benefit to keep us from straying too far from your goals. Accountability partner/group will help you to push further, motivate you, and elevate your routine so that you can get the results you want. Having an accountability partner should make the process less complicated and unclear but more productive and enjoyable. This person needs to be able to ask the hard questions, what happened last week with your diet, business, exercise what was your focus for the last week been on? Having someone that shares the same interests and goals as you can boost up both of your energy levels and excitement in becoming better.

I am here to be your support and accountability partner message me through my contact page on my website.