Transition in career or What's Next?
How hectic job change could go? Or how exciting that last day at work before you leave? Each case is different, and the process could bring up whole wide range of emotions and changes, added stress that could decrease your energy level or your peace of mind.
Other exciting career transitions that are more driven might include navigating broader responsibilities, building new skills, becoming a manager or CEO for the first time, or even transitioning from part-time to full-time, or from employed to retired.
This Change is not a coincidence, more like a guidance, to your next life chapter. Imagine you as an Author. Unknown chapter, Curious chapter, Unfinished Chapter with white pages, Chapter with new events and stories.
Can We thrive during work transition cycle? Cycles are important, they are indicators of “what’s next”, cycles give us information if we evolving or stuck. And this life cycle that you are going through is part of normal life process that could effect any of us.
There is a few scenarios that you could choose from based on circumstances.
Take a time off you deserve!
Now, you just left, terminated or promoted. You may not be able to take a trip for financial or logistical reasons, but I would really encourage you to think about taking at least a few days off even if to do nothing but relax and gather your thoughts before getting ready for your new phase in life.
Take time off and Start drafting Transition Plan. I know, and I believe it doesn’t sound exciting, but putting your thoughts on a paper is crucial at this moment. It not a life plan or business plan, especially if you are not planning type, but I would recommend to include at least this basic information.
Make an Upside of a transition.
- This is Your opportunity to thrive and creating some new outcomes and experiences – If You Choose So of course.
And here is why: I find this research by Kelly McGonigal, PhD / health psychologist and Stanford lecturer/ and got her permission to share her research with you. Kelly mcGonial published research indicating that our perception of the negative impact of stress is more harmful than experiencing the stressor itself. In other words, if you believe that stress is harmful, stress will have a negative impact on your health. Conversely, if you view responses like a racing heart or sweaty palms as natural biological responses that occur in order to perform a meaningful task, stress can help you become energized during a challenge or a change.
Turn This stress into Actions. Actions to call new prospects, Action to follow up with people you wanted to re-connect, Action to applied for that desired position that you never had enough time to look into. We might have feeling that somethings is wrong, but this feeling will go away as soon as your thoughts: about new opportunity, new calls and meetings will arise on the horizon. Because world changes and accelerates, and we not stay still and the same. We are evolving.
Your job doesn’t define you, you’re the same person you were yesterday.
Doing something you’re passionate about is a premise for life satisfaction. What is your passion? Can you make a career out of it? If yes, then why not try it? Ask yourself what is that thing you really enjoy and get excited about, and how can you get paid for doing it.How hectic job change could go? Or how exciting that last day at work before you leave? Each case is different, and the process could bring up whole wide range of emotions and changes, added stress that could decrease your energy level or your peace of mind.